
JK STUDIO Burger offers juicy, premium meat, fresh lettuce,
and special sauces, all sandwiched between freshly baked buns.
With each bite, you'll experience the burst of golden, rich meat juices.
It's a finger-licking experience and a 'To Go' sensation that will rekindle your love for burgers!

Handmade Bun

Wrapped in a golden exterior and with a soft interior

Specialty Sauce

The specially prepared sauce adds even more flavor to the burger

Prime Meat

Rich meaty flavor with sweet and juicy juices

Fresh Lettuce

Crisp and bursting with moisture



Dazhi Zhongtai

NOKE, 5F., No. 200, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104

MON. to THU., and SUN.
11:00 - 21:30 / 20:30 last order

FRI. and SAT.
11:00 - 22:00 / 21:00 last order